Support Our Projects
Other Payment Methods
The New Israel Fund (Tax Deductible)
Donations can be made on-line, or checks can be made out to “The New Israel Fund” (minimum $18 on-line, and minimum $100 by check). Checks should be marked as “donor-advised to TORAT TZEDEK,” or “TORAH OF JUSTICE” in the memo line. Please add “Account # 51139.”
The New Israel Fund
PO Box 70358
Philadelphia, PA 19176-0358
American Support For Israel (Tax Deductible)
Contributions of any amount can be made either on-line, or by check, via American Support For Israel. They do take a small handling fee. Checks can be made out to, “American Support for Israel.” In the memo line write “Torat Tzedek” or “Torah of Justice,” and add Account # 580651404.
Please mail checks to:
American Support for Israel
PO Box 3263
Washington, DC
New Israel Fund (Tax Deductible)
Tax-deductible donations of any amount can be made online through the New Israel Fund UK: In the comment box, please note that your gift is “donor advised to TORAT TZEDEK-TORAH OF JUSTICE”
Please mail checks to:
3rd Floor, Star House
104-108 Grafton Rd
Kentish Town, London NW5 4BA
UK Gives (Tax Deductible. UK Gives takes a handling fee.)
Tax Deductible donations can be made on-line.
Please make out checks to “UK Gives.” Please note in the memo line that the donation is for Torat Tzedek, Act. # 580651404″ Mail checks to:
483 Green Lanes
London, England N134BS
Online donations can be made from anywhere in the world via Israel Gives.
Donations are only tax deductible in the U.S. and UK, and we hope to restore tax status in Canada in the near future.
Non tax deductible donations can also be sent to:
Mail checks to: Torat Tzedek Antigonos 8 Jerusalem 93303 Israel
Bank Transfer: Bank Hapoalim (Bank 12)
Branch 782 Account 305385
Swift code: POALILIT,
IBAN IL46-0127-8200-0000-0305-385
If you make a bank transfer, please write to us at Torat.Tzedek@gmail.com, so that we properly acknowledge your donation.